The photographs acquired are protected by the image rights of the people who appear in them and by the rights of their author.
They have been acquired for strictly private and individual use, and cannot be the object of any type of exploitation. In particular, no acts of exhibition, reproduction, subsequent dissemination, distribution, public communication or transformation may be carried out. They may not be used for commercial or advertising purposes, nor for political propaganda. Nor may they be resold, assigned or licensed. The images acquired are for private use. The purchaser undertakes not to use them for any purpose other than that established herein, nor to use them for purposes other tran those established herein.
I AM A LEGAL ENTITY (Associations, Societies, Foundations, Political parties....)
The photographs acquired are protected by the image rights of the people who appear in them and by the rights of their author.
They have been acquired for strictly internal use and, in particular, it is forbidden to exhibit them in the organisation's establishments or open spaces, and they may not be the object of any kind of exploitation. In particular, no acts of exhibition, reproduction, subsequent dissemination, distribution, public communication or transformation may be carried out. They may not be used for commercial or advertising purposes, nor for political propaganda. Nor may they be resold, assigned or licensed. The images acquired are for private use. The purchaser undertakes not to use them for any purpose other than that established herein, nor to use them for purposes other than those established herein.
The photographs acquired are protected by the image rights of the people who appear in them and by the rights of their author.
They have been acquired for strictly informative use, and cannot be subject to any other type of exploitation.
In particular, no acts of exhibition, reproduction, subsequent dissemination, distribution, public communication or transformation may be carried out outside the strictly informative sphere. They may not be used for commercial or advertising purposes, nor for political propaganda. Nor can they be resold, transferred or licensed. The images acquired may not be exhibited in establishments or open spaces. The purchaser undertakes not to use them for any purpose other than that established herein, nor to use them for purposes other than those established herein.